"<...> I have never found anything that sounds like a lie, an image or an afterthought. Chaotic in its styles and song structures, pure in its words and intentions, and non-declarative yet open in its message, this long-player [Perkūnija] should appeal to fans of professional (non-massive) pop music."

Godo Yorke (Goda Sasnauskaitė) is a music author and performer who has already made a name for herself in the Lithuanian alternative pop scene with her unstoppable voice, stylistic diversity of her music, and masterful songwriting. She actively performs – her performances loudly and openly speak about social issues, sophistication, and her own experiences. In her live performances, she embodies the archaic spirit of her goddesses, such as Bruce Springsteen, Jeff Buckley, Aretha Franklin and Janis Joplin.

Jonas Braškys, 370